Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Hello 2013...

I can't believe it's actually here - a New Year already! I honestly don't think you realise how fast they start to click over until you are older - I'm sure during my 20's it was just another excuse to party without actually realising the effects of a whole new year beginning!! The years seem to be getting shorter and moving faster now. But I must also say that the quality has improved so much since my twenties, even if the quantity seems to lessening!!

Today is also the start of the fun Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge!  So, here's to the beginning of what I hope will be a fun, entertaining and slightly quirky look into the life and craziness that is behind Little Miss Fascinated via my 'Photo A Day' diary.. {join in with me and post the links to YOUR Photo A Day pictures in the comments below so I can follow you too!!}

Day #1 - Today..

Relaxing & recovering in bed with a good coffee and a good book...

Smiles and Happiness, Haylie xx


  1. I am also joining FMS photo a day, and am also on that FB page. I love to follow you with your photos. I will put mine in an album at the end of the year to have a wonderful year Album. I did have a blog but never do something with it. I will put some live into it :)

    1. THANK YOU for such a wonderful idea, Alette - I just LOVE the idea of putting them all in an album to have as a keepsake of a year of daily memories!! I look forward to following your photo journey too, Hun! xx
